Meet Tara Wegdam:

Hi, I am Tara. I grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, then attended Hollins College in Roanoke, Virginia. While studying abroad in Paris I met my amazing Dutch husband and we now live in Northern Virginia with our three beautiful children.  I love my family, my friends, playing tennis, running, traveling, shopping and of course fashion.
I always wanted my own store because I love helping people. Many people have influenced my life and shaped me into who I am through their kindness. I believe that the smallest, kind and sincere gesture can touch someone to better their lives. In the summer of 2004, my husband and I opened the doors to our very first lou lou, opening the doors to a wonderful new journey!
I inherited my taste for fashion from my family and transformed it into my own through influences of people, travels, and experiences. I believe finding the confidence to recognize your style and stay true to it is the only real way to be “fashionable”.  My idea with lou lou is to give every budget an accessory to compliment their style and an outlet to experiment with many. Through our stores and this blog I hope to inspire and empower you to find and fall in love with your own style!

Fashionably Yours,

My dear friend Manuel (also creative director for lou lou) my son and I,

after celebrating the re-launch of the lou lou website!

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful to read this! You are so talented and you and Ben are doing such a wonderful job in the tradition of your family. Keep up the good work. Sorry we don't get to see you often but we do visit Lou Lou!
