(Guest Post) Every Easter since I can remember my mom made sure to make Easter a holiday that was both meaningful and fun! She would always make sure me and my sisters had a cute Easter basket filled with goodies and knick-knacks! The older I got the BETTER the baskets got! I now wait anxiously for Easter and am just as excited as a 24 year old to get my "big girl" Easter basket as I was when I got my childhood Easter baskets! With all of the new spring product that is coming into our shops I was inspired to make my own big girl Easter basket! Complete with an assortment of things I would LOVE to get in my Easter basket! Here it is:
My basket includes: A bottle of Fancy Pants wine, a bag of Dove dark chocolates, a small bird platter and a little collection of fun spring merchandise from lou lou (click for details):


 Of course you can create your own basket using any fun things you can find! My personal tip: find a 'basket' that can double as something else practical or decorative... I've gotten my big girl Easter baskets in mixing bowls, rubbish bins, laundry pop-up totes and other useful containers, the one in the picture would be a great decoration in my house!

Hopefully you're inspired to make someone a Big Girl Easter Basket this year too, so be sure to check-out our Easter inspired section here online & just for reading through the end of my post you can use promo code SHIPFOREASTER to get FREE SHIPPING on any order you place online (code expires April 10).  

PS- We'd love to see any of your creations! Use #biggirleasterbasket to share!


Paige Healey
Communications Manager
lou lou

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